Interpening Loop

Regular price £9.99


The Interpening loop is an easy-to-use, fun, informative tool that flips in and out of itself four times for understanding the interpening process. The loop guides you through assessing cannabis quality and predicting the psychotropic effects based on the flower's visual characteristics and aromatic profile. The Interpening Loop is a fantastic reference and a great quick-learning tool essential for all Interpener cannabis sommeliers.

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The Interpening Loop is a flat card until you start interacting with it. The first page of the tool guides you through gauging the five effect types of any hybrid cannabis by organizing the different physical and aromatic characteristics. The second page of the tool lists the most common unacceptable visual and aroma’s characteristics of cannabis. The third page highlights the decent to high cannabis quality attributes; while the fourth page lists the six most notable and common terpene types that correlate to the effects.

Instructions for Evaluating Cannabis Quality with the Interpening Loop

In General: The Interpening loop has four different pages of information to work with. It is possible to get stuck in the loop if you do not move through it from one consistent direction to the next. Simply follow the different folds as your guide and move through the tool in one looping direction. 

Page 1: The first page of the tool is best to use while laying flat on a table. With any cannabis flower in hand, start at the top of the page, match the information on the card with the flower you have until you have gone through all the correlating points. For example, if you have flower from your own garden and know the leaf shape, match that first. Second, match the plant shapes “physical characteristics” and then hone into the flower itself. Match the flower structure with the pistil type next and then the aroma scent perception of the trigeminal nerve. After gauging all of these features, the flower should be placed on the psychoactive spectrum (effect) that fits it best. 

Page 2: To reveal the second page, gently break the loop open with a horizontal break in the middle of it. Use the second page of the tool as a checklist of unacceptable quality characteristics you can see and smell. Reference the Interpening book to learn more about each of these poor types of quality, what causes them, how to spot them, and more. 

Page 3:   To reveal the third page, gently fold both the left and right side of the tool behind the back of the card like window shutters. Use the third page of the tool as a checklist of good quality characteristics you can see and smell. Reference the Interpening book to learn more about each of the good cannabis qualities, how to spot them, and more. 

Page 4:   To reveal the fourth page, gently fold both the top and bottom of the tool behind itself. Use the fourth page to learn about the six most notable and common terpene types that correlate to psychoactive effects. To return back to the beginning of the tool, gently fold both of the left and right side of the tool behind the back of the card one more time. 


Want to learn more? Check out the Professional Interpening Course!